StaGeek Mouse Jiggler
100% Undetectable by IT
Mouse Mover with On/Off Switch
Prevents Computer Going into Sleep
No Software Needed
Plug &Play
Burnout is Real!
Two‐thirds of full‐time workers suffer from burnout. This is especially true of over‐performers or achievers. As of 2019, burnout is now a medically classified diagnosis. Its effects can be the same as other mental health disorders like anxiety and depression.
Flexibility = Productivity
95% Employees reported that flexibility motivated them to succeed. 83% Managers claim flexible working benefits their business. It improves Your Cognitive, Emotional and Dispositional abilities. Win for both the Employee and Employer!
It's Expensive!
Burnout costs an estimated 125 billion to 190 billion a year in lost employee productivity, lost creativity, and increased health care costs. Happy employees are 20% more productive and can increase business sales by 37%.
A Must-Have Mouse Jiggler
Intended for Wired & Wireless optical mice
This special-designed mouse jiggler is an ideal companion for those working from home, it simulates mouse movement and prevent computer from going into sleep while you work or play.
No Software Needed
Works with all operating systems PCs &MCs
The mouse mover does not need any software to install, virtually not detectable by hardware scans and company I.T., just plug and play
Prime Price Today $ 24.99
© 2019